20/20 Vision Mastery Blog

Welcome to my Vision Mastery Blog with actionable tips, insights, and mindset strategies for taking action on your goals and dreams

Some Energy Tips For You...Not For Your House

During this holiday time of the year I know things can get chaotic.  We can stress over all the "stuff" we want to do before the end of the year and we start to lose our steam. 

And as these things pile up in our minds our energy meter begins to drop!

This is when you might work on those things that add that “extra energy boost” –  for your head and your heart. 

I'm actually writing this in Mexico, where I'm re-energizing with family and friends. Normally though, I'd be stressing because of all the stuff I had to do before Christmas. I would have to use my own tips I'm sharing with you below to keep my energy up during the holiday. 

When you feel your energy meter lowering here are some tips to get your energy back up so you can make it through the holiday season while still having fun:

Be aware of what things trigger you for stress. Stress-induced emotions consume huge amounts of energy.  Try to lighten your load by...


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