Welcome to my Vision Mastery Blog with actionable tips, insights, and mindset strategies for taking action on your goals and dreams
I made a pivot…I’m starting a newsletter. And all the tips, strategies and downloads I usually put into my blog will be right here in the newsletter.  Easier for you to access, easier for you to read. It’s all right here folks! And it will be in a blog post as well.
That way if you ever want to go back to read or reference something you read earlier, it will be easier for me to direct you back to the correct content.
I used to send out newsletters and I kinda miss it. So here we go…it will be a short read, but a great one!
As you may or may not know, one of the things I teach online is how to create a vision board that REALLY works to attract the goals you want. But the real key to getting (achieving) the things you want is having the mindset and feeling that you deserve having those things.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about greed or being selfish. I’m just saying that having the belief that we deserve to have those things in life we desire is the first step in attracting t...
How do we maximize on the potential we have inside of ourselves? By finding more about what we’re made of, what lies inside that we don’t see, and identifying our strengths.
We want to live courageously and embrace the uncertainty of fears by reminding ourselves what we lose when we give into fears. Fear is a natural and necessary part of growth. When we identify more of our strengths it gives us the courage to step into our fears.
You can read more about this in my blog  post: Overcome Fear and Step into Your Courage.
Here are four things you can do to identify your strengths:
Most fears are irrational. You’ve heard it before “False Evidence Appearing Real”
We can’t be victim to our fears. Each time we step into our fears and overcome them we replace the fear with courage.
Courage is stepping forward and taking action in the face of fear. Â
Here are 5 steps to overcome fear that is not real.
I LOVE to read. But I don’t always have the time to sit down and snuggle with a favorite book. So, I use Audible to listen to many books. I love getting suggestions from others about their favorite books, so I thought I’d share some of my favorites, many of which I’ve read multiple times.
I’m giving you my favorites on the self-improvement/business side of life.
I love Audible. It’s a monthly subscription for audio books but you can build your library then cancel and you’ll still have access to the books you’ve purchased. I love to sit down and read a book, but who has the time! I can get so many more in if I listen to them. If I really like a book I listen to, I will still go and buy it so I can mark it up. I know, I’m a little old school. Â
The Compound Effect – Darren Hardy – Darren is actually hosting a free Summer Reading Challenge beginning this Monday the 17th. If you go online right now to DarrenHardy.com/Summer you can read about it. He is giving a...
It’s summer, a time for vacations, travel, family fun and outdoor activity. We want to enjoy some of those special summer activities with family and friends.Â
But summer can also bring a thriving business to a sliding slow-down. Some of us know how that happens. We have the BEST intentions for keeping our business growing through the summer months. Then as each summer week goes by more and more “stuff” tends to pull us away from our focus.
But you can have a successful summer in your business and still have a great summer with your loved ones if you remember a few key tips:
Think about changing your schedule. Choose how many days you want to dedicate to working on your business. Keep in mind all the extra summer activities that happen when choosing your days. You may want to reduce your work time when kids are home or change times that you work.
Keep to a routine on the days you DO choose to work, whether that’s just one day a week or five. Keeping a work routine will help you feel...
So right now you may be saying “but I’m not a perfectionist”.  Well, my first question then would be “do you procrastinate?”  Procrastination can mask perfectionism AND the lack of self-confidence. If you lack self-confidence and give in to your underlying fears you’ll hesitate on taking action, and miss out on opportunities and people coming into your life.
Most perfectionists don’t even realize they are one.  They cling to the belief that their obsessive pursuit of perfection is really just the definition of doing a “good job”.  I SURE DID!  And doing a “good job” meant I wasn’t letting people down.  Letting people down used to be one of my huge fears that held me back from sharing any program I created…because I felt it needed to be “perfect” to be a good job.
So after a lot of soul searching, reasearching and reading a ton of books, I discovered areas in my life and my business that some of the negative perfectionist traits were actually holding me back from taking action on m...
Your success or failure begins and ends with YOU.  Wow!  Think about that for a minute. What you think and what you believe determines your sucess or failure. That’s why it is so important to create and maintain a proper mindset.  It’s a daily action that can develop into a habit that sustains a positive mindset throughout your life.
If you struggle at times with looking at the glass half “empty” that’s ok. (Believe me, I've been there!) But, with a few simple steps each day you can train your mind to be more positive in every situation.  I want to share five “B”s that you can practice and even expand on to train your mind to think at the highest level. (check out the guide link below)
When I see the word “be” I always transpose that to the word “act”. So if you will take action on these five B’s each day, you will find yourself doing them without even thinking. You’ll start to notice yourself handling problems and situations differently in your mind.  Start from within by replacing ...
We've all heard the old adage that the only constant thing in life is change. No matter what kind of business you have or what kind of life you live, you should always have a plan to work through change.Â
While change can be scary, it can also be an exciting and growing part of life if handled well. Here are 5 tips to help you make change more manageable.
1. Look for the positive. Make a conscious effort to vocalize or write down positive aspects of your new situation. It is in looking for the good that we find it.Â
2. Believe in yourself. "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." That line came from Winnie the Pooh, but it's still true today.Â
3. Don't stifle your emotions. Think about how much better you feel after a good cry or laughing hard with a friend. Be prepared to experience a range of emotions and then lean into them.
4. Keep your mindset elevated. Take this time to create a morning routine or find some affirmations that e...
Ever since I can remember, I’ve had an obsession with Egypt…and everything about Egypt.
I’ve always wanted to go there. I don’t even know when this obsession started, I’ve just always had it in my heart to visit Egypt.
But I want to tell you the story of how this dream came to be...
I read everything I could about the country, the people and their ancient beliefs. Â I started collecting Egyptian items I happen to find.
When our kids were little, my husband traveled to Canada for business. He happened to walk into a store and met a lady who was from Alexandria, Egypt. She and her husband spent 6 months in Canada and 6 months in Egypt. They had an apartment in Alexandria and she offered to let us stay there if we ever wanted to go. At the time we neither had the money nor the ability to leave our young children…but I kept believing I would get there.
The years went by, our kids grew and life with three kids took over our lives as they got involved in sports, programs and events. We w...
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